Friday, September 5, 2008


There is nothing like a good conversation. The more controversial, the better. Topics that are boring, like the weather and what happened on some soap opera, feels like a shot to the liver with a ball-pin hammer. But if a conversation is started about favorite sexual positions or a story thats deeply personal and exciting, can keep my attention for hours.

Having quality conversations is a personal goal of mine. I want to know that a person is really interested in what im saying. When I talk with people I will ask myself, " am I boring this person?" If the answer is yes, then I will change the subject, or end the conversation.

Some of the best conversations are with unconventional people. They have views that make you think, whether you agree with them or not. People that choose not to associate with the outcasts of society may be doing themselves an injustice. Some of my most profound and thought-provoking ideas have come from people others may avoid. After all, being intelligent is about knowing a little about a lot of things.

Great conversation is an art. Like a painter knows which strokes to make to create his masterpiece, a conversationalist knows what words to use to stimulate interest in others. Its nearly orgasmic to experience. Great men, such as Thomas Jefferson, have been lauded for their conversational skills. He was celebrated for his wide-ranging and entertaining conversations with friends and acquintances. People that can stimulate the mind with words are always a commodity.

Most people want to drown you with pedestrian ideas. They don't seem to know, or care, if you want to hear such nonsense. In such instances, I feign interest. I smile and nod. Aahh...conversation truly is a lost art.


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