Tuesday, September 2, 2008


It is not easy to have a positive outlook on life. Everywhere you go there is negativity polluting your mind. This is just a fact of life, I guess. But I try, even though it feels like trying just isnt good enough. I can laugh at how ignorant the world is. But it would laugh right back at me. The best that I can do is block it all out. Block out all the gossip, all the forces that try and bring me down everyday. Its as though by living, you are constantly at war. Just making it home in one piece is a victory.

Lately, I have had trouble being friendly to people. I feel like most people are a waste of time, a waste of breath to talk to. There is such internal conflict in my soul, in my mind, and in my heart. I feel like im losing it sometimes, but at the same time I feel completely under control. A lot of times I just want solitude from the rigors of daily life. Thats were long hours of sleep come in to play. Its a must.

I need peace of mind. No worries. No needs. Only perfection.


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