Thursday, August 14, 2008

Power: inside and out

For me, there is nothing better than power of some sort. I have always envied those with significant power over me. That power can be in the form of social, sexual, politcal, or even physical. I strive to be like the powerful people I see. Not so much as in their personalities, but the qualities that seperate them from the average person.
Women have sexual power over the average man. If you take away a woman's vagina, she is powerless (crude, but true). Politicians have the power to change our way of life; we unanimously grant them that position of power. Popular people have the power of influence; how many times has Angelina Jolie inspired you ladies to hit the gym?
Most of this is obvious to many Americans. But I think it is mostly overlooked. Most people work their 9 to 5's, come home, watch T.V., and go to sleep to repeat the same boring routine. They dont think about how they are virtually powerless. Not because of a lack of freedom. Although our country is far from perfect, we enjoy more freedom than any citizens of another country. It is because of a lack of mental power.
You dont need to have a high-status job or a few million to be powerful. Power is a lot of things. Its different for all of us. But the most basic form of power is having control over your own life. That means actively seeking out things that will better you and your family. That means not accepting just anything that life, and other people, hand you. Power is pushing through pain and adversity with equanimity. Power is being an individual. And there are fewer true individuals in our world than you think.



BloodHoney said...

I must disagree with women being powerless without a vagina. Men are likewise powerless without that
appendage dangling between their thighs...women are far more intelligent than the average man, more mysterious, earthy, a giver of life rather than a taker of it. We don't even require intimacy the way a man does...if a man cannot have sex, he is nothing...else why Cialis and Viagra, among others? How many women must take a pill in order to have sexual intercourse?!?

As for Angelina Jolie, she's not very pretty...she looks like an anorexic, and I wouldn't wish to look like her or any other white heifer...nor do I care to look like
Halle Berry, she's too skinny as well...I like being me!

J.G. said...

Interesting, Bloodhoney...But no one can deny that in our culture women are prized primarily for their physical beauty. Of course there are women that are just as smart and talented as any man, if not more so. But a lot of women try to use their vagina's as power tools. Almost all men have been a victim to it. I know a few women that call it "pussy power."
Men are valued for their leadership abilities and their ability to provide. If a man dosent have leadership qualities (self-confidence, decision-making skills, goal orientation, mental strength, etc.) or if he cannot adequately provide for himself or family, then his value is low, and he is therefore powerless.

BloodHoney said...
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BloodHoney said...

That goes way back to the hunter-gatherer years. Men went out to provide for the family, while the women stayed home with the children
and cooked the meals. These days, men expect women to have jobs as well as take care of the kids and
cook and clean...basically, part of the reason the world is in such
a mire of shit today is because women had to go outside the home & bring home the bacon just as men do but those 2 major world wars were also part of this downward spiral of the family. Honestly, I could not marry a man who made less
than I...

As for some women using their pussy
power, that's really pathetic. I feel that I am as good as, if not better than, any man...and I don't
need to get him to smell the magic between my legs in order to unman him. Some women are ruled by the cock, you know-they feel they are nothing without a man and will go through all sorts of abuse to keep
him by their sides! Pitiful.

As for men who lack leadership this why the more successful women of color will date
and marry only white men? Black men
in general do not have leadership
abilities, and those that do are almost always cut down by the white
majority in some manner. How long do you think Obama is going to last
in the White House if he wins the election? There are more black women with leadership qualities than black men are viewed as losers by most of the world's population, and white women
who date them are seen as the white
man's rejects.

I would not marry a man who does not have a college education, who speaks 'Ebonics' or has a strong regional (esp. Southern) accent, who could not view women as his equal, or who's a Mama's Boy. Men who are too close to their moms tend to be rather weak, I know as I've dated my share-never again!