Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Know Thyself

As strong as I know I am, I also know that I have alot of weak points. I've found that these weak points are fairly easy to correct. Its because they are formed by habits. And they can be corrected simply by changing those habits. The cliche "know thyself" comes to mind when it comes to changing bad habits and making positive self-improvements. When you know your own tastes, your own strengths and weaknesses, it is fairly simple to correct them (depending on what they are, of course). I want to be the very best that I can be. I hate mediocrity. So, I always strive to find out what I can do better, what area's I can improve on, and how I am perceived by others.

This is probably the most important part of success in any area of life. Some people call it being real. Some people call it "doing you." Others say its just being yourself. But, all this comes down to knowing yourself. And then being your best self. Its hard to be yourself if you dont have adequate self-knowledge. This can be difficult because as humans we are constantly changing. But once you understand that change is necessary and normal growth can occur.


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