Saturday, September 18, 2010

Life As It Is

I'd like to begin this entry with an apt- although trite- aphorism: you live and you learn. I've come to find that every experience in life is an opportunity to learn, grow, excel, or benefit in some other way. Life can be-no, life IS brutal. Embracing this reality will give you amazing peace-of-mind. When you accept that people will be rude to you, that others will deceive you, and that those who are close to you can betray you, and likely will betray you or let you down in some way, you will gain immense power. This is accepting life as it, embracing this thing called Life in all its beautiful brutality...

It is when we buy into the ideals that certain people and organizations peddle our way that we cause ourselves and others the most harm. Understanding that there is a time and place for everything, and that you have to know how to apply the advice that others give, and that should be the goal. Many things we are taught growing up are given as absolute truths, but in reality they are half-truths. For example, we are taught that honesty is the best policy. While for the most part this is true, but not absolutely. There are obviously times when "white lies" are necessary. Fact is, we all lie; it's human nature. I suppose we are expected to find that balance on our own as we grow older, but many people never do. They end telling everyone the truth when it is wiser not to.

In closing, I feel that it is immensely liberating to accept life the way it is. You'll find that you'll have a much more realistic grasp on situations you find yourself in. To view life through the "we are all one" lens will only bring you frustration and pain...