Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday the 13th: the Remake

I've been a horror movie fan my entire life. In fact, one of the first movies I remember is "The Exorcist." Now, this wasnt just an ordinary horror movie for me. I couldnt stand to be in a room by myself after watching that movie. In the years to come, I could watch movies like "Psycho" or "The Blob" and sleep peacefully directly afterwards, because in my mind, no movie could add up to the horror you experienced watching "The Exorcist."

Another horror movie that made an impact on me was "Friday the 13th." This movie made every teenager fear camping. Today, it is considered a classic. So I was pleasntly surprised when I saw the movie trailer for the remake last night.

Now, I know many people dispise remakes. They feel that a remake somehow damages the original. Personally, I like remakes, even if they aren't completely on par with the original. I feel that a remake gives a new generation an opportunity to enjoy older moveis. Remakes give younger people a chance to have their own version of a classic movie. Even when it deviates considerably from the original, it offers a new twist to a legendary story.

So, I expect the Friday the 13th remake to recieve mixed reviews. On one hand, you have the movie purists. They are strongly against remakes. Then on the other hand you have more progressive minds. They want to see what this remake has to offer the horror world. I can hardly wait...